Hello! My name is Michael, I usually go by my online alias Gigabyte.
If you've seen me around: I've done quite a few things. from TikTok to Twitch streaming. I've been running this website for 6 years. All of my programming talent has gone into this page you see before you.
Alot of things have changed since I launched this website in 2019, and truly; this site is the one constant. The layout changes, but the core idea remains. A shitty little dump site for me to throw my autism at proudly.
This site contains subjects from technology, to touching grass, to gaming. I also have a few services in various states of completedness.
My primary goal for this site is to get it running on as many things as I can. So far: the oldest machine I've gotten it running on is my Powerbook G3 Pismo with Mac OS 9, and Classilla.
More about me: I am 21, living in bumfuck nowhere. I am diagnosed with Autism, and ADHD, hence the jokes. And if you haven't put your glasses on: very much a furry. My oc is named Gigabyte, He's a protogen with zero backstory. Literally just me as a toaster, ain't that neat!
That's about it! I'd do the standard webmaster thing and put my email here, but I am not subjecting my email to more spam. You can catch me on Tumblr, I post there very often.
Happy browsing! -Gigabyte