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Written: June 13th, 2023

Hello! My name is Michael, I usually go by my online alias Gigabyte.

Welcome to my website! Here I just write about subjects and make videos on others. My primary focus of this website is to share my hobbies with the world, and throw a few laughs along the way!

Sounds chiche, but I'm really doing what I love by being here.

Please feel free to look around! I have plenty of projects and I'm more than happy to continue making some more.

Happy Browsing! -Gigabyte

Text Vault!

Written: August 18th, 2023

I did a thing!

I've recently discovered another thing to add to the list of bullshit to list and add:

w3m! A text based browser that in my case; Runs in the Linux Terminal.

This does mean text only, but it's also cool!

This also means ASCII art, so that's fun!

That's really it. It's just a fun thing I discovered and wanted to develop.

The site is at https://gigabyte.neocities.org/text if you want to give it a whirl

The site should also work on very basic browsers provided you have WebOne set up! (I need to write that guide...)

Have fun! -Gigabyte

New Site Update!

Written: June 13th, 2023

I could just use Tumblr for this, but I feel this needs a proper front page article.

I miss the internet of 2012, so I decided to recreate a portion of it using my website.

I think it came out great, and perfectly captures what I love and miss about the internet of the late 2000's and early 2010's

Skeuomorphism, ribbons, a functional layout that gets the point across, and pure good ol' passion!

This site was tested and working on Chrome v20 from July 2012. So theoretically: You should be able to render this site using a proxy!

I will say: It's a stark difference from the landing page, but I'm perfectly fine with that. Just expect some broken css when you use an older browser. It should work just fine, otherwise.

I'll write an article explaining how to do that soon. For now: Welcome to my comfort zone!

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