WebOne is a very nice tool for retro computer enthusiasts like myself. It allowes me to connect to most modern websites on ancient hardware.
The thing about WebOne to remember: It's not a one and done solution to making your Windows XP laptop useful, most sites on older browsers end up broken due to a number of factors including unsupported CSS, JS, and certain HTML elements, for example.
My site is designed for older browsers on purpose, since I have about three sixteenths of an actual life. So it should theoretically work on older browsers if I've designed a layout for it.
If there's no layout designed for a certain generation of browser: Look no further than the text only layout. 80 Columns of pure ASCII
The setup process is different on different systems but after all is set and ready to go; you too can browse websites on IE 1.0!
On Windows:
- Go to their GitHub Releases and download the version that supports your architecture.
- Then: just run webone.exe as admin.
- If your computer is attacted to a router: You can hook up your retro PC to the router via ethernet. Another way is by setting up a network share and directly connecting both computers over ethernet.
- Finally: Open your command prompt and enter "ipconfig" without quotes.
- Then: in your preferred retro browser and/or internet settings on your older computer; set your proxy to your host IP and Port. The port is usually 8080.